Here’s a look at the Cerberus+1 Exotic Auto Rifle in Destiny 2: Forsaken
The Cerberus+1 Exotic Auto Rifle has started to drop in Destiny 2: Forsaken, and for those looking for a fun weapon to cut through enemies, this may just be the exotic for you. In Destiny 2: Forsaken, the Cerberus+1 Exotic Auto Rifle is obtained through a random drop . While there’s always an element of RNG to obtaining drops, this particular weapon can be earned from the weekly bounties in Gambit . It comes from one of the two Engram drops, and can also be obtained through packages. The weapon goes in your Kinectic slot and is classified as an Auto Rifle. It packs a punch when used in PvE activities, and it also tears through other players in PvP. On the surface, Cerberus+1 isn’t much to look at, because it’s basically a collection of four gun barrels strapped together. But what it lacks in aesthetics, it makes up for it in absolute carnage. How the Cerberus+1 Exotic Auto Rifle handles The first Exotic perk is Four-Headed Dog which, as the name suggests, is based on Cerbe